Sunday, November 9, 2008


For a photoshop assignment I had to come up with a style and apply it to different images- This style was supposed to give a certain feeling or mood to the image in some way. I played for awhile and this is what I came up with- Going for an older look with the colors and grain. I think it works better with the landscapes but gave it a try on some people shots as well. Thoughts?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Just a reminder that you can click on the image to see it larger

Marionette Doll

Im not sure where this came from exactly- It was one of those moments when I was suddenly hit with an idea- I wanted to make a person into a Marionette doll... I wasn't sure how I would execute it but I thought I would play around. My good friend Sarah was extremely patient with me as I rigged up the ropes and tried to get the scene to look like what I was imagining. Unfortunately when I finally finished setting up, the light I was using started to burn out leaving me with a short window of time to shoot- about 5 minutes, ha! Here is what I came up with...expect to see more marionette people soon!

A Road Trip

Have you ever heard of Marfa Texas? No? No! Im not surprised- neither had I before I took this short little 16 hour road trip to check it out with a now friend (we didn't know eachother before) in the media design department at Art Center. Why would I drive over 25 hours in the course of 3 days just to go to Marfa Texas you may ask- Well there is a simple answer... Prada Marfa. Check it out for yourself- - and of course just for the amazing story I would have to tell people. It ended up being an amazing trip- Worth every minute of sitting in the car. Here are just a FEW pictures from the trip.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ava May

This was a birthday party never to forget- Ava May Whitney (my beautiful niece) turned 3! I was lucky enough to be back east at the time and got to attend the wild party of kids, cake, and ice cream of course. It was a perfect Vermont day and nothing could have made me happier than being able to photograph it for all to remember! Here are a few shots from the day-

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Marshmallow Runner

The Marshmallow Runner is one of the top marathon runners in the world. She races at least four times a month and is sponsored not only by converse and Nike, but also by Kraft, Jet Puffed Marshmallows. You may wonder why a marathon runner would be sponsored by a marshmallow brand, but it all makes perfect sense. The Marshmallow Runner believes that if she eats marshmallows while she is running, her speed and endurance are increased. Her strategy is to eat a bag of marshmallows before the race begins to warm-up. Once the race has started she eats 5 marshmallows every mile, which comes to around 130 marshmallows a race. She has a team of people spaced throughout the course waiting to refill her marshmallow bag that she holds tightly in her left hand. "I have to hold my mallows in my left hand- It's bad luck if I don't, and on top of that I have perfected the motion of digging into the bag with my right hand and grabbing exactly 5 mallows". Many people have tried this strategy of eating marshmallows before and during a race but have only ended up by being extremely ill and having to drop out of the race. Some think she is crazy, some think she has a super power, but the Marshmallow Runner is just another normal human being like you and I. "I love marshmallows, that’s it. They make me happy, but best of all...They make me run fast". The Marshmallow Runner will be competing in the Big Sur Marathon 3 weeks from today, August 29. To see her in action and to get your own signed bag of marshmallows make sure to show up early.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Meet Ruby- You saw her character a few posts ago, she was sitting looking at herself in a mirror. She is a character I made up and finally named- She has an interesting sense of style and her life is full of adventures which you will soon see more of. I fell in love with this room and the light coming from the window and of course... the red outfit!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Small Cut

A few weeks ago I was given an interesting assignment. I had to make a photograph entitled "The Small Cut". This photograph was meant to be a psychological/theatrical portrait and the only restriction (other then the title) was to make it vertical. So the small cut...hmm cut cut cut- Scissors, Band-Aids, stitches, hospital, C Section... I began by writing down words related to cut. I found that there were a few different directions I could go. Some ideas were too obvious, and some were too out there. After knocking ideas back and forth with a friend The Small Cut was discovered. If it were a movie, it would fall into the genre of Dark Comedy. Try to find the humor in it. Im sure you all remember Lorena Bobbit, well here she is as the inspiration to The Small Cut.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Viva la Vida

Im a tea drinker. I've always been a tea drinker and what I would call a fake coffee drinker. How can I be a fake coffee drinker? Well when I go to a cafe and order a coffee drink I order whatever can cover up the taste of the coffee. "I will have a sugar free vanilla soy latte please"- I know, I sound ridiculous right? Lately I have been enjoying coffee more, and trying to break away from the comfort of my SFVS latte. Even though Im drinking more coffee lately, I am still, and will always be, a tea drinker, period. Just my thoughts!

Here are some more shots from the Hassleblad- Sometimes the film has trouble advancing and the pictures overlap on the negative giving a double exposure. Sometimes I really enjoy the result!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Im Back!

You are probably wondering why it has been so long since I have posted, and to tell you the truth... I don't know! Every time I sat down to type or post pictures I got stuck. I didn't know what I wanted to say, or what pictures I wanted to post. It's kind of where I am in life right now...I just don't know! Anyway I could go on and on about this, so Im going to cut myself off.

I am back in California after an incredible trip to Italy and then back home to Massachusetts. It was filled with laughter, love, amazing people and good food- I couldn't have asked for anything more. At some point I will post pictures from Italy so hang with me here. School is in full swing and summer has arrived- The beach has been calling my name, but I haven't had a chance to pay it a good visit yet. Soon!

This week was the first time I have ever shot with a medium format camera. I was shooting with the famous Hasselblad camera. This old camera (company established in 1841), is still widely used by professional and serious amateur photographers because of the superior image quality of 6x6cm size rollfilm over smaller film and digital sensor formats. It was uncomfortable and tricky at first, but after i got the feel for it I started to adjust- I'm excited to play some more. We are also shooting color film this term which is a good changed from black and white, even though I do love b&w. Here are a few shots from the Hasselblad.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

A day at the Beach

I LOVE my friends- I couldn't have gotten through this term without them!

Polaroids by Christie Hemm

Back in Action

So its been awhile since the last post and I apologize for that. Life as you all know can throw you some curve balls when you least expect them- Everything has finally calmed down and is well on its way to getting back to normal. I leave for Italy tomorrow! Two weeks right outside Siena in the Tuscan country side with some of the people who mean the world to me. Good food, good wine, and good company. What more could you ask for? Im bringing my 4x5 field camera which should be an adventure- For all the photographs I have shot in Italy I have never shot film. Im really looking forward to it. Of course Im still bringing a small digital so hopefully I will update the blog along the way.

On another note- Here is a small series I did for my fine art final- Looking Through the Ground Glass. Its a technique discovered by a genius friend of mine one day at the beach. It's using a combination of the 4x5 camera and a digital SLR. The image is composed and set up through the 4x5 ground glass (which looks upside down and backwards) and then captured with the SLR by actually shooting through the glass (hence the name). I tried many variations and ways of doing it, but in the end I was into this style.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

More Wings

Why the continued angel theme you are probably wondering? Honestly Im not quite sure- For some reason I just got pretty attached to these wings... There is so much you can do with them whether it be silly or serious. So why not? I recommend going out and buying your own pair of wings and seeing what you come up with, then let me know how it goes. After class yesterday Alyse and I hiked out angeles canyon with the 4x5 and digital cameras. The wings were tied to the back of Alyses backpack offering a good laugh to any passing hikers. Two guys tromped by with there fishing poles in hand, caught site of us and chuckled "nice wings". We found a beautiful spot up the stream to shoot some photos- to get there we had to walk through the water in our bare feet. It sounded like a fun idea, but as soon as we stepped into the water we realized it was icy cold and our feet soon went numb as we carefully made our way to the riverbank. Once we made it we dropped our packs, angelfied Alyse (yes I just made up that word), and shot some pictures! It was a great afternoon, poison oak and all (don't ask).

Thursday, March 27, 2008


In some of my past posts I've talked about the large format 4x5 camera that I have been shooting with recently. Well... yesterday I got the chance to shoot with an 8x10 camera- which means the negative is actually 8 inches by 10 inches. Pretty damn amazing, and intimidating. This kind of camera is worth about $20000 so the fear of doing anything to hurt it was great. Once it was set up the fun began. Sarah brought a garbage bag full of costumes that we could use while shooting. Right away the angel wings were the object of choice and we decided to have a constant theme with all of our images. Alyse was my model and I ended up making two images to show the angel vs. bad ass. Enjoy!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I love fashion... Some people could care less about it, but I really do appreciate it. Im not exactly a fashionista, although sometimes I try, but I do enjoy a good outfit when I see one. Where am I going with this? Well I love combining fashion with photography...Yes, some people would call that Fashion Photography, ha. Im not sure if thats where I want to end up going with my work, but Im definitely interested in it. Part of the thrill for me is putting it all together- The outfits, hair, makeup, I like to do it all. Am I good at it all? Well not particularly, but again I try! Over winter break I had an idea for a shoot and luckily had 3 amazing and beautiful girls at my disposal. Teased hair, intense makeup, and some good outfits... Here are a few shots I came away with.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The best part about having visitors, other then their wonderful company, is that it is a new face to photograph. I have been photographing Jenna for years and she is extremely patient with me. This afternoon we headed to long beach to play on a pirate ship (Sarah was shooting an environmental portrait of her cousin who lives on a big sailboat, you know pirate ship, same thing). It was an amazing afternoon and a beautiful day for pirate ships and pictures- Here are a few I came away with.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Miette Turns One!

I am a lucky lady- I have some pretty cool neighbors with the most wonderful baby in all of California. No joke- She is absolutely amazing! Other than being a beauty, she has the greatest personality. Happy, curious, and just a complete joy to be around. On Wednesday Miette (which means little crumb in French) turns one. Some relatives were in town so an early birthday celebration was had and I got called over to take some pictures. In her yellow party dress and brand new shoes, Miette looked like a little lady and I couldn't stop smiling! So really... I am a lucky lucky girl to have these people in my life.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Jdub, better known as Jenna (my cousin/sister) is in town visiting! She is one of my favorite people and I can't be happier that she is here- I have a week of silliness and laughing to look forward too. We began the visit with vietnamese food and frozen yogurt from Pink Berry. Meet Jenna ya'll!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Camera!

I got a new camera! I have been searching for a 4x5 field camera so I can be more mobile when I shoot. When I started shooting large format a few months ago I did not like it. It seemed so complicated and on top of that I had to put a black cloth over my head to even see through the ground glass to compose a picture. Soon enough I was comfortable with how to use it, the swing, tilt, rise, and fall all made perfect sense. I could do a wrap around focus, or have everything in focus- So many options and so much fun! I fell in love *sigh*. The one downfall with the camera I am renting is that it is a Studio camera which means it is heavy and hard to lug around. So that is why I have been searching for the perfect field camera- A smaller version of the studio camera that folds up and weighs next to nothing. The camera I found is made out of a beautiful cherry wood and is in wonderful shape. It came with three lenses and I got a great deal on it. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to go adventuring with it yet but as soon as I do I will post the outcome. Here are a few pictures- Christie helped me take some of me and the camera, and yes they are supposed to be making fun of all those cheesy shots of photographers and their cameras.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Our next assignment in Fine Art is to create three self-portraits. One must involve photographing your own self/body. The second must address a misperception that people have of you. The third must reveal something about you that people do not usually see. I never knew self-portraits were so hard! It was difficult coming up with three images but somehow I did. I ended up taking two of the images in a more humorous direction which obviously says a lot about me- I mean I do love to laugh!

1. Self/Body - Battle wounds and such!

2. Misperception - Just because Im tall...Does NOT mean I play basketball. I mean commme on enough already. Man!

3. Secret - Ok stop making that face- It really is good. Don't knock it til you try it!

Monday, March 3, 2008


Sundays are meant for road trips and adventures- We don't have much time for any of that here at Art Center but we managed to squeeze a little much needed adventuring in. Christie, Alyse, and I headed back to Riverside to find some more abandoned houses and interesting landscapes to shoot. As we were cruising down the 15 headed towards San Diego we suddenly saw bright orange scattered across the green hills. As we got closer we figured out that the bright orange was from poppies, already in full bloom. If you didn't know, the poppy is the California state flower annnnd apparently it is illegal to pick/or kill one. If you do you may be hunted down or perhaps even shot down. Ok maybe not, but you never know. The closer we got to the poppy fields the more we wanted to run through them. We got off at the next exit in Lake Elsinor and found our way to the flowers. I have never seen anything like it. The color- No really, THE COLOR- spectacular!
(Click on the images to see them bigger)