For a photoshop assignment I had to come up with a style and apply it to different images- This style was supposed to give a certain feeling or mood to the image in some way. I played for awhile and this is what I came up with- Going for an older look with the colors and grain. I think it works better with the landscapes but gave it a try on some people shots as well. Thoughts?

i think you really hit it as far as the color goes... it definitely gives a sense of mood, which carries through out the landscapes. I also think it works well with the portrait of the girl in the leather jacket. That photograph has that similar feel from the landscapes... maybe it's the leather jacket that helps it? but that portrait works better (if you're grouping these shots together) than the second portrait in my opinion. I think it's the wide angle on a white backdrop throws it off for me. Even though the other is also on a simple background, it works. you still get that sense of mood through her body posture, and the fact that she's not looking directly at the camera...
uhh... i think i'm just talking nonsense now...
good stuff though... this is the first time i've seen your work!
-mikeyt. (from MDP w/ chris.)
yeah... just read through what i just wrote.... you can disregard my comments... it's too late at night/early in the morning... haha.
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