I got a new camera! I have been searching for a 4x5 field camera so I can be more mobile when I shoot. When I started shooting large format a few months ago I did not like it. It seemed so complicated and on top of that I had to put a black cloth over my head to even see through the ground glass to compose a picture. Soon enough I was comfortable with how to use it, the swing, tilt, rise, and fall all made perfect sense. I could do a wrap around focus, or have everything in focus- So many options and so much fun! I fell in love *sigh*. The one downfall with the camera I am renting is that it is a Studio camera which means it is heavy and hard to lug around. So that is why I have been searching for the perfect field camera- A smaller version of the studio camera that folds up and weighs next to nothing. The camera I found is made out of a beautiful cherry wood and is in wonderful shape. It came with three lenses and I got a great deal on it. Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to go adventuring with it yet but as soon as I do I will post the outcome. Here are a few pictures- Christie helped me take some of me and the camera, and yes they are supposed to be making fun of all those cheesy shots of photographers and their cameras.

it's beautiful!!! where did you find it, love?
you're soooo awesome!! i'm 'jealous' like for real
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