I had never been to Riverside CA until last weekend. When I told people that was where I was heading most responded with a disgusted look on their face and some wise ass comment about the place. I had been fully warned but that didn't stop me from seeing for myself and forming my own opinions. So what to say about Riverside- Well I was more on the outskirts of Riverside, the Inland Empire. It was an...intersting place. At first I was terrified by all the track houses. Rows and rows of houses that were EXACTLY the same. I had never seen anything like it. How in the world do people live like that? Im not judging, it's just so different to me coming from a small east coast town where every house is its own. Christie took us to a small town called Nuevo that was made up of little houses, trailers, dairy farms, and a few little stores. We explored with our big 4x5 cameras hunting for the perfect landscape shot for our view-camera class the following friday. We shot loads of film and polaroids- here are a few of the images from the trip.
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