Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cindy Sherman

For my Fine Art Photo class we all had to pick a photographer to research and then make two images "in the manner of" their work. I picked the one and only Cindy Sherman. For those of you who don't know her work you should check it out at -
She always uses herself as the model and has perfected not only being a photographer but an actor as well. In her Film Stills series she is looking at stereotypes of women around and out of the house.

The first image I made was supposed to mirror her images exactly. I worked with the film stills series and, of course, used myself as the model.

The second image was supposed to be my own twist on her work. I decided to take this image in a more humorous direction and work with male stereotypes instead of female stereotypes.

This was a fun way to work- different for me, but I enjoyed the assignment!

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