Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ava May

This was a birthday party never to forget- Ava May Whitney (my beautiful niece) turned 3! I was lucky enough to be back east at the time and got to attend the wild party of kids, cake, and ice cream of course. It was a perfect Vermont day and nothing could have made me happier than being able to photograph it for all to remember! Here are a few shots from the day-

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Marshmallow Runner

The Marshmallow Runner is one of the top marathon runners in the world. She races at least four times a month and is sponsored not only by converse and Nike, but also by Kraft, Jet Puffed Marshmallows. You may wonder why a marathon runner would be sponsored by a marshmallow brand, but it all makes perfect sense. The Marshmallow Runner believes that if she eats marshmallows while she is running, her speed and endurance are increased. Her strategy is to eat a bag of marshmallows before the race begins to warm-up. Once the race has started she eats 5 marshmallows every mile, which comes to around 130 marshmallows a race. She has a team of people spaced throughout the course waiting to refill her marshmallow bag that she holds tightly in her left hand. "I have to hold my mallows in my left hand- It's bad luck if I don't, and on top of that I have perfected the motion of digging into the bag with my right hand and grabbing exactly 5 mallows". Many people have tried this strategy of eating marshmallows before and during a race but have only ended up by being extremely ill and having to drop out of the race. Some think she is crazy, some think she has a super power, but the Marshmallow Runner is just another normal human being like you and I. "I love marshmallows, that’s it. They make me happy, but best of all...They make me run fast". The Marshmallow Runner will be competing in the Big Sur Marathon 3 weeks from today, August 29. To see her in action and to get your own signed bag of marshmallows make sure to show up early.