So its been awhile since the last post and I apologize for that. Life as you all know can throw you some curve balls when you least expect them- Everything has finally calmed down and is well on its way to getting back to normal. I leave for Italy tomorrow! Two weeks right outside Siena in the Tuscan country side with some of the people who mean the world to me. Good food, good wine, and good company. What more could you ask for? Im bringing my 4x5 field camera which should be an adventure- For all the photographs I have shot in Italy I have never shot film. Im really looking forward to it. Of course Im still bringing a small digital so hopefully I will update the blog along the way.
On another note- Here is a small series I did for my fine art final- Looking Through the Ground Glass. Its a technique discovered by a genius friend of mine one day at the beach. It's using a combination of the 4x5 camera and a digital SLR. The image is composed and set up through the 4x5 ground glass (which looks upside down and backwards) and then captured with the SLR by actually shooting through the glass (hence the name). I tried many variations and ways of doing it, but in the end I was into this style.